
Wilson's Intarsia Video

Wilson's Intarsia Slideshow

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Welcome to Wilson's Intarsia, please click on the images below to see them larger.

Friday, December 5, 2008

corner shelf

hello again, this one is something I have done this week, it came to mind, so I thought that I would try and make it.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Intarsia Horse

This horse is made of Cherry, Walnut, Ash, and Maple. This is the original size from the pattern. As you will see farther down my site it is enlarged to about 4ft x 3ft.

walnut bear

This bear is made with 3/4 in. walnut, I like using walnut for some reason when you walk past it the dark parts turn light and the light parts turn dark.

walnut bear

This bear is made of 3/4in. walnut with maple for the teeth and is on barn wood I make 3 sizes of this one.


This moose is made from butter nut for the antlers, 1/4 in. thick, the body is walnut 3/4 in. thick

Sunday, September 7, 2008

howling wolf

this wolf is made of walnut,maple for the teeth, with aspen under the jaw. with a cedar frame


This intarsia is another pattern of Robert J Hlavacek Sr. woods used are butter nut for the body,and aspen. the log is made from oak it is 39in.x22in


This caribou is a pattern by Robert J Hlavacek Sr. It has 36 pcs. the antlers are maple, the body is walnut, cherry, aspen like most of my intarsias it is made with 3/4in. woods for some reason the back ground shows a blue color I took this picture when it was on some old barn wood.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Draft horse

Draft horse

This horse is made from cherry, aspen, and walnut. 3/4 in woods

Lab and mallard

This has 103 pcs. I have to paint the ducks wing and tail feathers. this one is a pattern of Robert J Hlavacek Sr. I have done a lot of his patterns I try to stay away from having to paint any of my intarsia's but some times I will use paint. Woods used in this one are hickery for the dog and walnut,cherry,and osage orange. My black lab is made of ebonized walnut.

Monday, September 1, 2008

deer in woods

I made this deer from a small picture I saw in a magazine it has over 300 pcs. no paint no stain


This dragon is made with walnut, mohagny, Iron wood, oak, and maple

Saturday, August 30, 2008

wood art pics

To any one who veiws my blog, first I want to thank you for visiting and please bare with me this is all new to me. and i'm computer dumb........ but I will try do a good job,wish me luck... All my work is made with many peices cut, shaped by hand and I try not to use paints or stain. some day I hope to get in to wood working books. who knows?? thanks again for your time. charley.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Native American currently under construction

This Native American is made of 3/4" woods, no paint or stain. original pattern by Judy Gale Roberts.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the form of wood inlaying. For the knitting technique, please see Intarsia (knitting).
Wolf Intarsia
Wolf Intarsia
The marble intarsia floor of St. Peter's Basilica
The marble intarsia floor of St. Peter's Basilica
Intarsia is a form of wood inlaying that is similar to marquetry. The term is also used for a similar technique used with small, highly polished stones (see pietre dure). The technique of intarsia inlays sections of wood (at times with contrasting ivory or bone) within the solid matrix; by contrast marquetry assembles a pattern out of veneers upon the carcase. The technique of intarsia is believed to have developed in the Islamic world; introduced into Europe through Sicily, the art was perfected in Siena and in northern Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, spreading to German centers and introduced into London by Flemish craftsmen in the later sixteenth century. After about 1620, marquetry tended to supplant intarsia in urbane work.
It is the craft of using varied shapes, sizes and species of wood fitted together to create an almost 3-D inlaid, mosaic-like picture. It is thought that the word 'intarsia' is derived from the Latin word 'interserere' which means "to insert" and that it was originally developed in Siena, Italy in the 13th century by crafters using inlays of ivory inserted in wood as well as inlays of wood inserted into wall murals, table tops and other furniture (See : Duomo di Siena).
Geometric figure (1537), intarsia by fra Damiano da Bergamo; Museum of the Basilica of Saint Dominic, Bologna, Italy
Geometric figure (1537), intarsia by fra Damiano da Bergamo; Museum of the Basilica of Saint Dominic, Bologna, Italy
Today, intarsia is created by selecting different types of wood, using its natural grain patterns and colors (rather than dyes and stains) to create the different colors in the pattern. Each piece of wood is then individually cut , shaped, and sanded before fitting them together like a jig-saw puzzle and gluing them to a piece of 1/4 inch plywood backing cut to the shape of the final product. Sometimes, additional pieces of plywood are used to raise areas of the pattern to create more depth. Once together, a final layer of finish is applied and the project is complete.
Marble intarsia (opere di commessi), called pietra dura in English for the semi-precious hardstones combined with colored marbles that are employed, is an intarsia of coloured stones inlaid in white or black marble. Early examples in Florence date from the mid fifteenth century and reached a peak of refinement and complexity in revetments of the Medici Chapel, produced under Medici patronage in the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, which was established by Ferdinando I de’ Medici. Later complex designs and refinement of the art developed in Naplescirca the beginning of the 17th century The floor of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome is a particularly notable example of marble intarsia. Later this form of decoration became a feature of baroque interior design, particularly so in the Sicilian Baroque designs following the earthquake of 1693.

Fireplace Eagle Intarsia Enlarged

This eagle was originally 21" x 33"and has 132 hand crafted and shaped pieces, but I enlarged the original pattern by Robert Hlavacek to 4' from wingtip to talon and 3' head to tail and is made of maple, walnut, brazillian satin wood, and oak. The fireplace it is on is 8' wide by 20' tall.


The fish below the eagle was originally 16" by 7" and 14 pieces total, and I enlarged it to about 2' x 8". It is made of Walnut, hickory, ceder and bass wood, no paint or stains are in either as I try not to paint or stain anything.

most are all natural color woods.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wilson's Wildlife Wood Art

This blog "http://wilsonsintarsia.blogspot.com/" is oriented around intarsia wood art, a form of wood inlay that is hand crafted 3d wood art, done with a scroll-saw, band-saw made from many individual pieces of hardwoods softwoods and finished in lacquer. If you enjoy wildlife please feel free to enter my blog and leave me a comment.

my patterns for intarsia wood art can be obtained from
Judy Gale Roberts, Garnett Hall, Robert Hlavacek Sr.

Thank you and enjoy your surfing.

The Ancient Art of Intarsia

is the making of decorative pictures by laying various natural woods into groundwork of solid wood. Through the centuries craftsman have created beautiful works of art from wood. Intarsia is seen in the history of ancient Egypt, Persia, eight-century Japan and Imperial Rome. However the Sienese of Italy are the most noted for their work with carvings dating back to the 13th century. However since intarsia is so labor intensive, it was primarily found in the homes of the elite. Over time intarsia became a lost art; However, in recent years, due to the modernization of man and equipment, intarsia has again became extremely popular.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Intarsia Group

1. The Horse is originally 17" tall but I made it 4' x 4', it is made of walnut, butternut, maple. The ground is made of Ash and Walnut.

2. The 8 point buck is made of butternut, walnut, aspen, and oak for the antlers.

3. The Caribou is made of walnut, aspen, cherry, with a maple rack and is about 3' tall.

4. The Eagle is enlarged from original pattern and is 4' from wingtip to talons, 2' from head to tail and is made from walnut and maple.

5. Calico Cat is made from butternut, maple, walnut and Brazilian satin wood.

6. The moose is made of walnut, and the antlers are made of butternut.

All above intarsia are individual pieces, cut, shaped and sanded from 3/4 inch woods.

Bay City Times Article

This is a scan of the Article written about me by the Bay city times, if anyone that I grew up with would be surprised that I got in the news paper other than the court actions or obituaries I was probably voted the most likely to mess up, but surprise to all and any who know me.

Life size Cowboy

This Cowboy was originally 43" tall, original pattern design by Garnett Hall,
I like making things Bigger to set them apart from the originals, this cowboy is 6' 4" and is made of over 15 types of wood, no paint or stain and a total of 600 pieces.
The Bay City Times did an article about me after seeing a photo of the cowboy.